Tuesday, April 17, 2007

· What does the Hairline look like? Can you tell it's a wig?

What does the Hairline look like? Can you tell it's a wig? That is the beauty of the full lace wig - it is totally undetectable and creates a flawless hairline. See Customer Pictures - Click Here. No one will know that you have a wig on. The wig is glued to the entire outside perimeter of your head creating it's own invisible hairline. We provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to put your wig on. You will be able to put the wig on yourself just like a professional and get the same flawless hairlines as you see in the picture. View the Flawless Hairline - Click Here.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Hair, Wigs and Adhesive Frequently Asked Questions

2:Q. What is Remy Hair?

A:Remy Hair is human hair that is collected directly from a single hair donor. It is also referred to as Cuticle Hair, Virgin Hair and Cut Hair. It is the softest and most natural hair on the market. The majority of human hair sold in the industry is non-cuticle hair. The hair cuticle is stripped using an acid-bath process. However, with Remy hair, does not under go this process, of which the hair cuticle is left intact, therefore the hair is stronger and health. It also makes the hair softer and more natural and makes it so it does not tangle which allows it to be ideal for longer wear.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hair, Wigs and Adhesive Frequently Asked Questions

Sorry to jump the gun here, but here some of the most puzzling issues about lace front wigs, human hair, toupee, hair adhesive, hair loss, synthetic hair, kanekalon wigs just to mention a few that need to be explained to some of us. Welcome to the topic “Frequently Asked Questions”

What is a Full Lace Wig or Front Lace Front Wig?
A: Is also known as a Front Lace Wig, Full Front Lace Wig, or Lace Wig. Full Lace Wigs are made from a unique cap which is made from a transparent lace. There are many different style caps - the most common are the full lace cap with ear to ear stretch, the full lace cap with no stretch, front lace only cap meaning lace in the front only, full lace cap with thin skin in front and lace around entire perimeter of head. This special lace gives the wig and it's hairline a more natural look. The individual pieces of 100% Indian Remy Hair are then hand-tied into the lace. Then each hair is double knotted and bleached (optional) to give a more natural appearance at the root of the hair. This also creates a flawless, invisible and undetectable hairline.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easy Hair Care Tips for Healthy, Shiny Locks!

Who doesn't feel better on a 'good hair day'? Sometimes they come
right out of the blue - often just as soon as you make up your
mind to get a new cut or color because you can't do anything else
with it! Why is it so hard to get your hair to do what you want?


The mysteries of maintaining beautiful hair should have been
uncovered by now, but for many women finding a simple way to keep
their hair looking wonderful is as elusive as it was to women
centuries before.

The desire for beautiful hair is not new. Ancient Egyptians
shaved their heads and wore elaborate, heavy, braided wigs to
achieve perfection. European history also abounds with torturous
hair styles including the ornate, powdered styles wrapped around
frames and horsehair which attracted vermin. All in the name of

Today, fashion still influences a woman's hairstyle but that
doesn't mean you have to subject your hair to needless damage.
Take advantage of the tips below on caring properly for your


Hair is not a living part of your body. However, your hair still
needs proper care for optimum health and beauty. One of the key
elements to having shiny, healthy hair is to allow the natural
oils in the scalp to lubricate it. The hair closest to the scalp
benefits from natural sebum oils the most while longer hair can
become dry and brittle from a lack of these oils.

Shampoo, no matter what exotic ingredients it's made up of,
performs a simple job of removing excess oils, pollution and
styling product build up from the hair. All of your hair needs
gentle cleansing but it is the top two or three inches that is
most weighed down with natural oils and dulling hair products.
Concentrating the washing in that area will reduce the amount of
oils removed from longer areas of hair which can be over dried
from the stripping of oils and extended contact with shampoo.

Conditioning on the other hand should be used sparingly, if at
all, on the top inches of the hair while concentrated on the
ends. Conditioning is an important step to replace needed oils
and provide protection from styling agents such as blow dryers
and irons.


Your hair will look its most beautiful when you choose a style
that requires the least amount of heat and product damage.
Protecting your hair with conditioners is key, but choosing a
style that suits the texture of your hair will eliminate the need
for more torturous styling tools.

Frizzy and dry hair can benefit from the application of silicone
based products. Bear in mind that a little goes a long way and
concentrate the product on the ends of your hair.

When blow drying keep the blow dryer at least six inches from
your hair to prevent excessive damage from the heat. Blow drying
in the direction of the shaft (down the length of hair) will
create a smoother appearance.


Anytime you use chemicals in your hair you should make sure your
hair is in a healthy condition before applying the treatment.
Overuse of these treatments can damage hair beyond repair and
affect the results of the products.


Your hair will look shinier and feel thicker when you remove
dried and split ends. Trimming the hair every 6 to 8 weeks will
keep it looking its best.

Taking simple steps to maintain healthy hair will put you on
track to more 'good hair days' than you ever thought possible!

Thank you
It's all about Lace Front wigs, Hair Extension, hair Bonding Adhesive, Frontal Closure

Monday, April 09, 2007

Understanding the Cause of Hair Loss

It is an unfortunate fact that many men, and a surprisingly high
number of women, will suffer from some form of hair loss during
their lives and often that hair loss will be permanent. Since
hair has been falling out of heads, medical science has been
attempting to find the true cause of hair loss.

To understand fully hair loss we need to look at how hair grows
and what factors can interfere with this natural process.

Hair growth occurs in two distinct phases, the growth phase known
as the Anagen phase and the resting phase known as the Telogen
phase. The vast majority of hair on our head (as much as 90%) at
any one time is in a 2-7 year growth phase. The remaining hairs
are in a resting phase that can last anywhere between two to four

A normal rate of hair loss is between 50 to 150 hairs a day. Once
a hair has been shed that particular follicle begins a growth
phase, as the lost hair now needs to be replaced.

If everything goes according to plan this cycle of growth and
rest continues through many cycles during our life.

Hair loss problems can result when this natural cycle is
disrupted and the natural fallout rate exceeds that natural
re-growth rate. Additionally, certain factors can lead to hair
re-growth that is much weaker and thinner than the previous hair
that is being replaced.

Here the problem can go unnoticed for many years. Since each hair
is being replaced there does not appear to be a problem. However,
over the years each re-growth of shed hair is getting
progressively weaker and thinner. In this case baldness and hair
loss can appear to be a very sudden onset, but it is something
that has been active for several years.

Fortunately from the point of view of being able to treat and
prevent the problem, science has found the true cause of hair

It is now believed that the cause of hair loss is an increased
level of testosterone (that begins in puberty) that eventually
leads to an excessive imbalance in another hormone DHT

If there are large amounts of DHT present, blood supply to the
hair follicle is reduced and over time the actual blood vessels
that feed each hair follicle begin to shrink, making blood flow
to the hair follicles even more difficult.

A deficient blood supply leads to weak, thin hair re-growth,
which gets progressively worse over time. The eventual outcome is
a growth that is little more than wispy short hair that is barely

At this stage the person is suffering from a condition known as
androgenic allopecia, more commonly known as male pattern

Specifically why and how these levels of DHT get to the level
where they create a problem with hair loss is not known. At this
point in time the cause is largely attributed to genetic

Apart from our understanding of the causes of hair loss that is
more or less permanent, there are several factors affecting men
and women that can cause temporary hair loss.

Some of the more common cause of temporary hair loss are; scalp
infections; improper use of hair care products; side affects of
some medications and medical procedures (surgery and chemotherapy
for example) and inadequate nutrition for healthy hair growth

Usually once the cause of hair loss is established and the
appropriate treatment given, hair growth can return to normal.

The most important factor in successfully treating any kind of
hair loss is to determine quickly the correct cause of the hair
loss and then immediately begin with the appropriate treatment.

For someone experiencing hair loss now or someone who could
reasonably expect hair loss in the future based on past family
medical history, preventive measures should be taken sooner
rather than later.

At the very least an appropriate hair care regime should be in
place. As part of this regime adequate nutrition should be
stressed, including nutrients that have a known hair growth
function such as Biotin, Zinc and the herb Saw Pallmeto.

Today there are many hair loss treatment options available. There
is a range of natural over the counter preparations that have
undergone some clinical trials and have had some success in
stopping hair loss and promoting re-growth of normal healthy

And if the natural way does not deliver the desired results,
there are always hair restoration techniques such as hair
, hair transplants and wigs that offer even more
options to treat hair loss.

Thank You

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